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Established in 1984 by Senior Partner Brian F Walker and Joseph McDonald, the firm of Walker McDonald Solicitors is based in Portadown, Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland. The firm has grown and maintained a large client base over the 35+ years it has been operating, in terms of private; public sector; and commercial clients. The firm’s team of nine solicitors provides sound, clear legal advice and representation which can be depended on.
Walker McDonald has the expertise to deal with a wide range of cases across various sectors, providing services for the general public, property developers, food manufacturers, farming enterprises, Companies, agricultural organisations and Local Government authorities.

With over 35 years’ experience in a wide range of legal matters, we strive to provide the highest level of service quality. Walker McDonald is regulated by the Law Society of Northern Ireland and we are members of the Home Charter Scheme, a conveyancing quality assurance programme aimed at providing the highest standard of service to people buying and selling houses.
Walker McDonald are certified to ISO 9001 2015 Quality Management System and have held this certification since 2001.
Our high standards ensure your case will be handled with the utmost professional attention.
If you are a Ukrainian refugee who had to leave the country as a result of the Russian invasion, Walker McDonald is offering to assist you with any legal issues which arise in view of your move to Northern Ireland. We have recently employed a Ukrainian solicitor forced to flee the country and who is now involved with the work of support group – Ukrainians in Northern Ireland Community Group. Our Ukrainian solicitor will be available to use her experience and knowledge as well as act as interpreter on your behalf.
Якщо ви український біженець, який був змушений покинути Україну в результаті російського вторгнення, юридична компанія Walker McDonald пропонує вам допомогу з будь-яких юридичних питань, які виникають у зв’язку з вашим переїздом до Північної Ірландії. Нещодавно ми найняли українського юриста, який змушений був покинути країну і який зараз бере участь у роботі групи підтримки українців – Громадської групи українців у Північній Ірландії. Наш український юрист готовий використати свій досвід та знання, а також виступити перекладачем від вашого імені.
We in Walker McDonald are very aware of the concerns which our clients may have in attending consultations during the current Coronavirus pandemic. To mitigate the risk to the health of both our clients and staff, extensive measures have been put in place by way of 3 new Consultation Rooms, where clients can meet with solicitors, separated by screens.